Why Chill?
Hi. My name is Curtis and I created this website not just to complete an assignment for a class that I am enrolled in but I want to share things that I enjoy, have made, and create a website where you can just chill. I am 23 years old, a student at BYU, and recently married to my awesome wife, Kelsey. I am currently studying to become a teacher in high school with a focus on teaching technology and engineering. I enjoy a lot of different things so I will try to post a wide expanse of interesting content on my website So, check out what I've posted and if you like it, you can chill with Curtis. If not, I have posted lots of links to sites that I enjoy and you can chill there, too. Enjoy.
Here on the home page you will find other sites that I frequently visit but most of my content is on the tabs labeled "Videos" and "Images." There you will find out about things that I enjoy and love. Below are current/upcoming events that I find interesting that are generally related to video games but there could be anything. Once again, you're chillin' with Curtis, so the content is stuff that Curtis likes.
October 27th, 2015
The gaming company Blizzard has had their own MOBA, "Heroes of the Storm," released for a while now and they have been releasing some fun heroes such as Kael'thas, Leoric, and Johanna. However, I have been looking forward to a particular hero for quite some time now: Artanis. The Protoss BA who is also the first warrior from the Starcraft universe. I am very excited to pick him and slice the enemy times apart with awesome zealot blades.

October 31st, 2015
The very exciting game known as "League of Legends" is currently having its world
tournament. Some of my favorite teams such as "Origen" and "Fnatic" have both made it
to the semi-finals and so I am very much looking forward to the final match. To see the
match itself and also see which teams make it.
November 10th, 2015
Artanis is not just a hero from "Heroes of the Storm." He comes from his own game "Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void" which will be going on sale on the above date. Gamers waited a long time for the first installment of Starcraft 2 and it paid off. Blizzard now has the chance to please its fans with the final expansion of Starcraft 2 which will focus on the story of the Protoss, featuring heroes like Artanis and Zeratul. Should be a good game.